Monday, January 02, 2006

Clumber Park - Caspian Gull

Took the kids and Dawn for a walk and a picnic to Clumber Park. Parked by our favourite bird tables and walked to the chapel. Just below the weir and opposite the small island I spotted a large pale and smart looking Gull in the middle of the lake. It seemed to be feeding on a large dead fish in the water. It had a huge bill, shallow sloping forhead and pale grey back. An adult Caspian Gull. Overall it looked very smart and clean, and sported a massive bill. The back was too pale for a Yellow Legged Gull and its bill too pale. Unfortunately all i had to get a picture was a digital camera and no scope, but I did get a couple of pictures. You'll just have to believe me that it is a Caspian!!! After watching the Caspian feed on the dead fish we continued on our walk. We had our picnic by the bird tables and I managed to get some good shots of Great Tit and Marsh Tit on the bird feeders. Later on Dawn took Ryan to Potteric Carr and managed to spot her first Water Rail and just to prove she had seen it also got a picture...


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